Cocaine addiction

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    • #7662

      Hi all. Im 35 and currently struggling with coke addiction to the point i even take it at work. Ive built up an 80 a day min habit. I want help but without no one knowing about my problems. Im determined to give this horribly addictive drug up once and for all. Its left me completely broke and before long i know il be caught out at work. Any advice wud be greatly appreciated. Tia

    • #30766

      Hi there

      I feel your pain and i know my husband is going through the same just now but won’t admit

      I would speak to your GP initially for help and see if there are any local addiction charities or teams

      If not CA or NA do the twelve step programme and you will get great support

      Well done on posting and in fact you are amazing don’t let anyone tell you any different the fact you have admitted it and asked for help is the best first step

      Take one day at a time and try an online meeting with CA tonight xx

      Best wishes to you

    • #30818

      Doire, well done for posting. Not that I’m an expert or have any qualifications in this field however check out my posts, now 6 months clean, may provide an insight into what it takes to recover outside of the usual great support which I am sure is out there…

    • #30822

      Hi doire , well done for posting & well done for recognising you want to get better . My advice is defo do the meetings as many as you can as they help so much , they are available in all areas everyday / evenings or online . The speakers in these meeting are amazing they tell you there stories of where they was. , what they have been thru & tell you how they got to clean & where they are now . It will give you the skills to get better

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