Cocaine addiction

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    • #5604

      Hi, so this is about my partner of 12 years we have two children 3rd on the way. His cocaine habit started after our first child 6 years ago & has got worse over the years. Today I’ve moved back in with my mum as it’s got so bad he’s spent £200 just this week I’ve just found out he’s been on a swingers website messaging other woman (this is only when he’s on cocaine never when he’s sober) I no he hasn’t cheated but when on cocaine loves the fact of dirty talk with other women. I’m absolutely gutted I really want to help him but can’t, he knows he’s got a problem but is scared to go & see someone about this. It’s so frustrating because he knows he’s got issues that need sorting. All our problems are coming from cocaine & I don’t no what to do or how to pursued him to go get the help he needs

    • #15566

      Hi Gemlou,

      Thanks for posting. I’m sorry that you are in this situation. It’s really very hard.

      I work for a charity called Icarus Trust. You may like to contact us as we offer support to people who are dealing with the same things as you. We have trained and experienced people who would be able to talk to you which might help you to decide what to do next. If you contact us I would put you in touch with one of them.

      You can contact Icarus Trust on or visit our website

      I hope this helps.

      Good luck.

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