Cocaine Addiction

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    • #5845

      Been addicted to Cocaine for just over a year and a half now. Using roughly 4/5 evenings a week. Live with my partner who can tell when I’m on it as I’ve put her through bad times before when I was a lot worse when doing larger amounts of the drug like doing an 8th. I’ve cut the that down but still doing small amounts 4/5 times a week of £30 worth each eve, but trying to knock this on the head for good this time. I’m Going to go to my doctors tomorrow as reading through these forums that’s what a lot of people suggest. Just seeing if any other people have the same problem as me and what’s the best self help tips to stay clean and for good, as I want to turn this around and make a family with my partner who I’ve been with for 7yrs. Thanks people

    • #16782

      My parents sent me to outpatient for excessive cocaine use. I’ve been clean for a year now but outpatient made me realize that I did not want to end up like the people who from cocaine experimented and got addicted to other drugs and were there mainly from work release from jail/prison. Honestly cocaine is a drug that when you hit the ceiling there’s never anymore feeling good it’s just a whole lot of feeling terrible and feeling like a fein. If you are able to recognize you have a problem then the next step is getting help and proving to YOURSELF that you are stronger then your addiction! I hope that helped a little

    • #16783

      Thank you, definitely helped. Yeah especially when I do it in the eves around the misses, you always feel abit on edge. Just want to kick it out for good now, going to GP tomorrow but see a few people saying it can stay on records and go against you if you have kids etc and your work? I don’t have kids atm but it may affect my work as I drive to work at 8am every morning and do a .3 between 3-5 eves a week. Still asleep by midnight so doesn’t affect me next day but doctors may say different

    • #16787

      Coffee or energy drinks to help you in the mornings????

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