Cocaine and guilt

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    • #6788

      Every time I drink I do cocaine and then I feel so guilty the days after I have a young son and I feel like im a terrible mum and letting him down

      Almost to the point I feel like he would be better off without me

      I never do it around him

    • #23905

      I’m in the same situation. Not sure what to do. I want to stoP but it feels like it has control over me

    • #23906

      Hi all, welcome to the forum. I would say that you’ve both had enough of this horrible evil drug and are ready to fight your addiction to it.

      My son has cocaine and alcohol addictions, the alcohol triggers the need for cocaine apparently.

      He’s currently clean, but every day is a battle for him. But he knows what the alternative is…..

      Please seek advice and support from the homepage and the Icarus trust and join AA and CA meetings which are frequent, local and daily.

      My son’s lifestyle has had a terrible effect on our family, we feel that our lives are on hold. Please try to stop before it gets much worse.

      One of the members of the group has recently lost her son to this evil drug.

      It begins and ends with the addicted person.

      Stay strong and think of the effect it’s having on your health and your families.


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