Cocaine and my son

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    • #5269

      I’m a mother of two brought both children up the same my daughter is a nurse and my son 27 years old has been a cocaine addict for the last 10 years he’s stole from me and his family and friends . I’ve tried everything to try support him to stop but there seems no help for cocaine users. Our GP has been very supportive my son always has depression and anxiety probably caused by cocaine I guess. He has his flat which I pay for to keep a roof over his head as his father cannot deal with his habit . I feel so alone sometimes watching up son ruin his life anyone with advice on how as parents or partners should we deal and cope with this . Please feel free to comment thank you

    • #12600

      Sorry to hear about this.. im going through coke problems.. but ive never robbed for it. .does he not work?

      I bet its hard worrying about him all the time. I.told my mum and she was heartbroken but she helps me out.

      He really does need want to quit tho.. does he want to? He needs cut all the people off around him to do with it.

      There is help. He just really needs to want it

    • #12603

      Thanks for reading my post, no he does not work he cannot hold a job down because when he’s on a bender the cycle and recovery can take days . This is why he’s robbed and stole off people . The day he gets his universal credit it’s gone on cocaine . People moan at me and say I should not pay his rent and buy him food but it’s hard all I want is my son back he had everything he used to race moto x bikes and was very good . I don’t understand why he does what he does he’s even started self harming himself by cutting his arms it’s a cry for help I’m sure but the mental health team refuse to see him whilst he uses cocaine . He stayed at our house last night because we thourght a week or two in a different environment would help him but he’s been up all night on it . He has started a process with CGL but that lasts 6 weeks and I don’t think 6 weeks will cure him . My heart goes out to your mum as no one will understand how as parents this effects us .

    • #12616

      Maybe he needs a rehab.. i dont know the inns and outs… this is just a thought… i dont know if u pay for rehabs and how much they are.. maybe look into them… cancel his home… send him rehab.. the payments you pay for his home.. pay his rehab.. how ever long it takes.. thats only if they are same as his rent.. and when he comes out when he is clean let him live with u till he gets a job.

      Thats just a thought. I dont know the inns and outs of what hes like at home and that. But i guess a rehab is better than paying his rent while ge gets wrecked.

      I dont know anyone who robs for coke if im being honest.. are you sure hes not on something else aswell, maybe crack aswell? And please dont take that the wrong way, im just be honest with you here.

      So where is he now? And how is he feeling?

    • #12623

      Hi Bruno, I am in a similar situation to yourself. My son is 32 and a cocaine user for 10 years. We have supported him in many ways same as you. A couple of weeks ago he turned up at our house as he had split from his partner. He stayed for a couple of weeks but we think he was still using whilst here. It didn’t work out and he is back with his partner. It has broke our hearts to watch him lose his house, relationships and his kids over the years. He has never robbed from us but a family member loaned him some money and he hasn’t paid it back. All I can say is it doesn’t matter what you do for him, if he doesn’t want to stop and change his life he won’t. With regard to yourself we went to counselling through the local drug and mental health service. I found it helpful talking to the counsellor about our son’s addiction. Not sure what CGL is but it sounds like it’s a start. Our son went to our local NHS drug and mental health service but he stopped attending sessions. Feel free to ask any more questions and hope this helps.

    • #12640

      thanks everyone first of all my husband won’t have him home because he’s stole from us , he did regret it I think because that night he self harmed himself. He does smoke cannabis sometimes not very often because it makes him paranoid, CGL is our local drug rehab , our GP had tried to get the local mental health to see him but they won’t engage all the time he continues to use cocaine. I think if he had a good councillor to sort his head out the cocaine use may stop , he has had a lot to deal with in his 27 years 1 of them being cancer at 18 . I will keep on the battle to try and get him clean but it’s nice to have a forum to off load keep you posted and stay strong we have battles to concor

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