Cocaine boyfriend

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    • #5902

      I started seeing my boyfriend six months ago. I knew he had a past with cocaine – he has been to rehab twice. When he starting seeing me he was off them he was happy, energetic and we had some lovely times together. His friend that is into cocaine too took him to cancun and he got bad on cocaine again. Since being back he has been moody, emtionally distance owes money and his friends always gets him at his house to do drugs whilst cutting him off from family and friends. I figured out how much he was on it last week when he disappeared for three days, lying not contacting me or his parents. He said he didn’t want to be like this anymore and wad going go put me first. As of today he’s going missing again. Its so stressful.

    • #17334

      Hi, not sure when this post was made but just wanted to see how things were? I’m also in the same situation and I’m honestly heart broken xx

    • #17422

      Hi Both,

      I’m sorry to read from your posts that things are tough for you. If you would like some support from people who would understand what you are going through please contact our charity, The Icarus Trust.

      We have experienced trained people that you could talk with which might help you find a way through and also find out what other help is there for you.

      You can contact Icarus Trust on or visit our website

      I hope this helps.

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