Cocaine has taken my boy !

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    • #6844

      He’s a grown man of 24 ! I’ve come to realise all the love, care, support, nurturing, guidance & kindness in abundance is not going to change him. I’ve been going through this for 6 long years now & my heart is broken ! He’s dealing coke to fund his own habit surrounded by idiots who he believes are his best friends. He drinks heavily & smokes like a chimney. Recently broken up with his partner of 5 years who has just had enough of him not working & the addiction etc. We took him back in but all the talking in the world makes no difference he’ll nod in all the right places & make promises but in the next breath he’s out the door on another week long bender then turns up looking like death warmed up , skin & bone to sleep off & the cycle starts again !! I’m at breaking point .. have had to say no more as have a younger son who idolises him & is at a very influential age.. I have to save him ! I now live in fear every single second of every day not knowing where he is or if he’s alive ! My anxiety through the roof every time the phone rings or the door goes I’m thinking the worst …. it’s just so so hard .. I feel helpless & alone always protecting the family from the truth as I’m so ashamed & people always judge. He’s my boy I love him unconditionally & I know somewhere deeply buried under all that poison is my boy !! Oh how I would give my life to get him back safe & sound !!! My heart goes out to every parent struggling !! I know I’m not alone xx

    • #23968

      Hi Kk1590,

      Welcome to the forum, im sorry to read your story and about your son’s addiction.

      I usually post on the Theresa thread as we are all Mums of sons struggling with addictions.

      We are all too aware of this familiar cycle. It shakes families to the core. It consumes our loved ones and turns them into a person we don’t know any more.

      Please know that you are not alone in this, others will give you advice and support or even if you just want to vent.

      The forum also has advice and the Icarus trust posts here too.

      There’s nothing that we as parents can do really, until they themselves realise they have a problem and want to seek help.

      CA and AA meetings are a good place to start.

      In the meantime, take care of yourself and any others in the family.

      Stay strong


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