Cocaine or ketamine?

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    • #35926

      I have found small packets of white powder in my daughter’s room. I don’t know if it’s cocaine or ketamine. Is there an easy way to tell the difference?

    • #35951


      I think that Ketamin will be in small plastic bags and cocaine will be wrapped up usually in lottery tickets

      Hope this helps you


    • #35953

      Sorry I’ve never seen coke wrapped up in lottery tickets in my life lol! It’s usually in wee plastic baggies as well.

      I don’t think there’s a way of telling unless you know what both look/taste like x

      • #35970

        Well I see it Every. Single. Day and the coke is in lottery tickets and the ket is in small plastic baggies! I dont want to see it but then I’m sure none of us do.  Neither do I find it amusing as I am now struggling to find something/anything to live for so please do not ‘lol’ at my comment

        • #35976

          Hi Lillie, sorry but I’d never heard of that before. Probably depends on the area, everywhere is different. We’re all here struggling to find something to live for, myself included, so I wasn’t trying to be offensive. Take care x

    • #35955

      Coke or ketamine can be in either a bag or wrapped in something like a lottery ticket or something similar but of old leaflet or anything . Ketamine is more crystaly looking than coke, bigger granules too.




    • #35977

      Both come same way and I’ve seen both look identical.

      Best way to tell is by your daughter’s reactions.

      Looking out of it? Comatosed? Sitting glazed? Avoiding problems? Quiet? = Ketsmine likely.

      Hyper? Won’t shut up? Bouncing? Very detailed and focused to extreme? = Cocaine likely.

      What access to money gas she got?
      Small packet of Ketamine £10-20, cocaine £70 -120 current street values I’m told.. obviously varies but Ket is much much cheaper.

      The detective work will help you understand what she’s taking and possibly why.

      Dealers cut cocaine with all sorts of crap, my sons blood samples a few months back when he was on it showed high levels of paracetamol so you can guess what that was dug with to make it cheaper. A few bags of that and they’re way over paracetamol danger loading… or worse.

      As illegal drugs are just that there’s no standard so you’ve no idea what they’re actually taking.

      Truly awful.

      I hope you can get your daughter to open up to you and get help soon. If this is dealt with early before she becomes too immersed in it then it will be so much easier for her to change the habit.

      Best of luck ????


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