Cocaine side affect

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    • #5730

      Is it just me or does my husband want fiance of 8 years it seems like the cocaine and crack make him more paranoid and think that I’m cheating on him but I don’t do anything I literally stay in the house all day with her two-year-old I don’t go anywhere I don’t do anything I know I brought a couple of other women on here has said that they’re in the same situation and I just want to know that I’m not alone like I mean we get into full-blown argument it’s like three or four times a week he’s accusing me of sleeping with someone or having someone over I have no friends and I do it all because I want to prove to him I’m not cheating on him I have no funding social media I don’t do this I don’t do that when is enough enough it isn’t normal does everybody else have the same problem

    • #16252

      Hi, yeah my partner of 2 years does the same thing. Constantly accuse me of having an affair or playing him or lying to him, when I sit in the house with children all day. He is the one who is out and about all the time. Acting suspicious but not usually gone long enough for me to say too much about it, I am starting to see a pattern when when he’s been on coke(or crack as I am suspecting, but he denies that one) he is a lot more paranoid, irrational and on edge. He owes out so much money to so many friends, family members and dealers. He robs things from shops when he doesn’t have enough money for it. I refuse to lend/give him money for it. Have only given in on a few occasions throughout the 2 years but ofcourse I didn’t understand the severity of his addiction until the last 6-12 months…’s gone up and down, he may be fine and predominantly clean for a few weeks or months then relapses, he says due to bad depression and grief of lost ones. So I’ve tried to be there for him but will not be spoken to like a piece of shit or lied to. We then fall out and his mother steps in, dominating both of us and ultimately enabling his addiction and pulling him further away from me by telling him to stay at hers. However there are several dealers and crack dens in that town so I worry so much when is there. Terrified of him over dosing somewhere.

      • #16259

        I swear its the same he owed a lot of money years ago thar my last college tuition check went to pay them off and i didn’t know until he overdosed and he told me. He has thankfully been able to hold jobs down but bills go without getti g paid and shut off notices come or eviction notices and like your spouse, he will do good for awhile and then he runs i to someone or they reach him of his fb and he goes down the rabbit hole. I mean its gotten so bad that bc the president is sendo g mo ey to families he is paranoid i am gonna use the mo ey and leave. Its also at the point where he wants me to take a lie detector test when thhe stay home order ends. O said fine and he still goes i am gonna leave him before it happens and talks about how i am full of shit and that i will not pass. O said i am so confident i will pay with my own money that is coming. Like i have had no social media since 2014 bc he didnt like me havi g it and guys would friend me o. It and i would vent every now and them about him. So i got rid of it all. He swears i still have a secrete one and that i talk to my sons father bc when it’s time to get my son he’ll tell me oh what time do you want to get the and I’ll say whatever time and then magically my ex-husband will text him supposedly when he’s at work on his lunch break and say hey what time do you want to get D and he thinks that I’m texting his dad’s or his dad’s texting his phone his dad had no idea what my number is my son has no idea what my number is they know his number and then like last Friday we were supposed to get my son this weekend his dad never text me to see what time it is and he said that I had their text him and told him that we weren’t getting up because of this pandemic I said no and then he texted him and my son’s father goes oh I was at my aunt and uncle’s I lost track of time he didn’t believe me I’m sending the kids haven’t been in school for two weeks if you’re stuck at home or you’re taking care of someone and you’re they’re usually at school and they’re not and you lose count of what day it is but he swore up and down for like 24 hours that I was going behind is that talking to my son’s father I don’t go backwards his father night and did because we couldn’t work but things like that like the minor things like I’ll be texting my mom and she doesn’t text me back for a few hours because she’s dealing with my younger sisters who were 15 and 11 and she’s also babysitting and everything else for a lady who has to work during the pandemic and he’ll be like oh who are you texting or he thinks that I have a secret text message person and he goes through my phone like constantly emails my pictures I have nothing to hide I don’t talk to anyone on not supposed to talk to you I have no friends because even though I always got along with boys and guys in general as I was younger because a lot of the teenage girls were drama in the boys wasn’t he didn’t like that so I dropped all my friends I sit at home I crochet I watch TV and I take care of our two year old Dan and Daya I told you been for the last 2 years and he says oh you have to be doing something you have to do this you have to do that I said fine I’m taking a lie detector test I can’t handle it anymore if it’s that bad to where he’s constantly thinking that and it gets a horrible when he’s on his cracker cocaine that’s why I’m wondering if it’s like a side effect that a lot of women are seeing is do their husbands honestly think that

    • #16332

      My cocaine addict ( now estranged ) husband accused me of cheating in the most unbelievable bizarre situations when I did nothing wrong just worked looked after house and kids – every man I spoke to or worked with or even had added in my social media I was definitely meeting in secret according to him not only did he persecute and insult me about this he investigated my male friends and colleagues on social media threatening to contact them – it was absolute hell and so humiliating I am convinced this was delusional paranoid psychosis caused by cocaine . In addition to this he also started ‘ investigating ‘ past relationships I had before I met him – stalking my ex husband and boyfriend on social media asking millions of questions and calling me names ( ludicrous was his ‘ past ‘ is horrendous in comparison ! ) every day was a living hell ….. I feel your pain everyone on this thread I wouldn’t wish it on anyone so unjustified and cruel

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