Cocaine spiral

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    • #7266

      Addict for years, last year has gotten out of control, struggling bad and no one to talk to…have so much at sake but losing this battle, this shits gonna kill me I swear…I don’t know what to do anymore, I plow through 7 grams or more a week, I’m broke, no sleep can’t think straight, put on a front to people in my life but it’s getting harder and harder to do…I’m a female in my early 30’s and feel like I’m a zombie, a shell of what I used to be…I just need to talk to someone who understands, I need help, please…there’s gotta be someone who relates

    • #27036

      Hi Charm, welcome to the forum where most people here have a loved one with addictions and also some people in recovery offering support and advice.

      Thank you for sharing your story, I think this is your first step to recovery by admitting you have an addiction and want support. You should be proud of yourself for taking this step.

      I wondered if you had read Jamesb story, he is a person in recovery offering good advice.

      My son is 29 and has alcohol and cocaine addictions, he reached out for support 2 years ago.

      He was in your situation, struggling, addiction spiralling, mounting debt, about to lose job, house etc. We helped him with some of the debt and he paid up the rest. He joined AA and CA groups, met others, formed new friendship and got great support from these guys.

      He’s been through some tough times battling this but I’m proud to day he is currently 8 months clean.

      He has to do meetings regularly and unfortunately had to cut ties with his usual friends. He has completed abstained from drinking- he has to, as alcohol is a trigger to using cocaine.

      I wanted you to know that there IS a way out of this nightmare!

      Please seek help from CA groups, they do them regularly online, and face to face. They do 12 step program- same as rehab centres, you get a sponsor who will contact you regularly.

      You are still young with your whole life ahead of you, please seek help – don’t let this evil addiction take over your life. Stay strong.

      Sending you hugs and prayers.


    • #27121

      Welcome charm keep going I am also new to this group

    • #27784

      Hi, I’m 25 and female and I live on my own. I know what you’re going through and it’s tough but you’re not alone. I haven’t even withdrew yet and although financially and other things haven’t fucked up terribly yet I’m very close. If you’re still on this let me know. Being female I feel alone and I have so much ahead of me and the addiction is making life more boring if I come off it

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