Cocaine taking over

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    • #7416

      Hi there,

      ive always been a worrier etc abd take antidepressants for this. About 18 months ago i met a girl and we began a relationship. We dabbled in cocaine a bit, maybe once a week if not once a fortnight. However i found myself slowly taking it more abc hiding it from her.

      I’m not at the point i’m taking at least a gram a day and its ruining my life. I’m constantly panicking, i dont go out, relationship is going down hill fast and my whole life is in tatters. i need to stop and i don’t know how

    • #28272

      Hi I just created an account and I’m in the same situation. I met a guy. He’s been a cocajne addict but was in recovery. We dabbled abit and he’s back recovering whereas I’m still secretly using. Now starting in the morning and using during the day and stopping to the point he doesn’t notice when he comes home and I can stomach a very light meal.

      I’ve no idea what to do..

      • #28273

        i feel at my wits end. i wake up in the morning and feel normal then i get this massive urge to have some coke then i take it all day and feel horrendous mentally and physically. it’s literally killing me

    • #28282

      I’m there with you. Woke up today determined not to use but I’m struggling and that cycles about to start again

    • #28285

      Mate your partner must being like.i am at the minute withy partner

    • #28289

      Hi Guys, welcome to the forum.

      Just been reading your thread, it sounds to me that you realise that this evil addictive, expensive, lifetaking drug is ruining your lives.

      If this is the case, perhaps your ready to seek help through CA or NA groups.

      It’s a good idea to stop drinking alcohol too, as this triggers the need for cocaine.

      My son is a alcohol and cocaine addict , but thankfully, currently 11 months clean through the help and support of these groups.

      Please seek help and support before this evil drug destroys your lives and your loved one’s lives.

      Read Danman83 or Jamesb posts, these are guys in early recovery offering great advice.

      Take care of yourselves,

      Lx ❤️

    • #28291

      Thank you so much! Yeah I think I’ll go to NA meetings. Something just needs to change

      • #28292

        Brilliant ???? you won’t regret it, I promise ❤️


    • #28295

      Have the want to change first step

    • #28298

      Definitely go to an NA meeting. You will find a list online of meetings in your area. You will get a big welcome. My husband is a recovering addict. He is 3 years clean with the help of the fellowship of NA. You owe it to yourself to grab recovery either both hands and get your life back. Good luck.

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