cocaine to codiene?

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    • #5222

      My partner is a recovering cocaine addict but although clean from that now he is taking over a box of codiene containing tablets a day. Is this a new addiction or he he trying to combat he’s cravings for coke? Any help on how I can get him to see he is now addicted to codiene?

    • #12301

      Hi len, can you share me some of your experience with your partner recovery? How long was he using it and how did he got off it? My partner told me he was using it for two years but that he was not addicted and says he hasn’t done at lately, but idk anything about how this addiction is. Thank you

      • #12411

        Hi gabdi what addiction do you want my experience of the cocaine or the codiene?

        The cocaine he was using very heavily for a year then and still large relapses every 8 weeks or so.

        The codiene he started taking for headaches he got up to taking 65 tablets a day I honestly have no idea how he is still standing with either addiction.

        He seems to have a high resistance to all drugs tbh with the coke he had done upto 3G a day with seemingly little effect.

        It’s hard to love someone with an addiction because with that comes the lies, debt and lack of affection because that drug is so much stronger than the love u share as hard as that is to admit. He tells me once he is craving the coke (stressful day or whatever makes the crave come on) he thinks of nothing else not home, me, the kids, he’s life nothing but the gear until he has it and it’s gone then the guilt sets in, the fear of telling me he has relapsed (which he know he will have to tell me eventually because I now handle all the financial aspects) the guilt and fear that he may lose me and the kids because how much more can I take!? It makes him a very selfish person while he is using, he is quick to anger, always stressed and always disrespectful of what he actually has, however I stick by him because I know under it all he is a decent loving and kind man he just has many issues. I’m a strong woman and I love him madly and deeply so while I can be as strong as I am I’ll always have he’s back as long as he is trying to stay clean that is all I ask of him

    • #12412

      Adding to original post

      He got up to 65 tablets a day but after a visit to the doctors where he played the amount down, I spoke up and told the truthful amount

      He is now 5 days clean of any codiene!

      I’m amazingly proud of him even after the come down from them, the sweats, insomnia, stomach pain, loose stools and so on, he is free of them hopefully for the foreseeable

    • #12483

      Hi Len,

      Thanks for posting. You sound a really strong person and your partner is so lucky to have your support.

      However, if you feel the need for any help for yourself please get in touch with us at The Icarus Trust. We are a charity providing support for people in your situation as we know how hard it is to deal with the impact of a family member’s addiction.

      You can contact The Icarus Trust on or visit our website

      All the best to you and your partner.

    • #12499

      Hi, I have heard that addicts often replace one addiction with others. They just replace an addiction to one thing with something else. I have found this to be true with my partner

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