Constantly fighting the urge

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    • #5403

      I’m a cocaine addict. Tonight I bought a ticket along with a bottle of wine. The wine went straight to me. I did a few lines too but because of the wine I could have passed out at any point. I was even half asleep at one point and could have completely drifted off but because I knew there was coke left I kept waking up just to do more gere. I can’t leave it alone even when I’m drunk enough to pass out. So now I’ve finished the drugs and the alcohol and I feel shit. I know tomorrow I’ll regret it cos I’ll be thinking I could have had more gere. I could be asleep right now!! How do you stop the urge to do more when you’re already spent?!

      I hate this and I can’t kick it man!!

      I’m not gonna be back on here but just pray for me please.

    • #13675

      Hi sally what’s going on .

      Are you drunk and drugged up right now

    • #13676

      I wish I could help you but I’m not a user but my ex husband is and Iv left him because of cocaine weed and alcohol .

      Do you get very aggressive and abusive when you are on a come down .

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