Continually on repeat!

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    • #7253

      Ugh! It’s no big deal if I leave to him.

      He’ll never say babe dont leave if I just walk away.

      He won’t apologize for treating me foul.

      Why do I feel like I need some awesome out to be successful leaving him?

      It hurts so bad it’s so easy to have me gone.

    • #26909

      I don’t think they can feel while they stuck in addiction it rips all the good things away, its their new love, they need it they want it and feel terrible qhen they don’t have it , it’s not fair to us the ones who love them but It won’t change unless they do something about it , doesn’t matter how much care ,love ,support ,money we give them until they say enough is enough the situation will remain the same , my boyfriend loves Coke more than me , he will come off it for a week but then the min he sees his best mate its pub home and sit up all night getting high till he can’t move , I get completely forgotten about on these nights and I end up feeling down all night while he enjoying his night ,does he care ? He will send a text sorry not msg back will msg back later lol then that’s it till he surfaces later on yhe next day , I know deep down he does love me but when the coke is there it comes first , so yeah your partner will love you but he will love and need the drugs more ,not a reflection on you and if you do leave he will feel it but you need to do what makes you happy ,I’ve woken up with a fresh mind and decided I need to focus on me and my own life fo what makes me happy and let him continue the way he is , I can’t control his life and from now on I’m not going to let what he does control mine x I’ve rambled on but hope it helps a wee bit

    • #26922

      No…., serious thank you.

      So, you choose to stay together and you do your thing and you nevermind his thing?

      You described it perfectly.

      How does this affect your sex life?

      Those lonely nights you talk of are what bring me to my breaking point.

      I get so mad and sad I have to go without because he chooses to do his thing.

      It just breaks me to feel like I’m not needed or wanted when I want him.

      I know this not healthy.

      Thank you

    • #26927

      We don’t have a sex life , we don’t have intimacy ,only when he wants a cuddle , he very moody for example he just off phone in a stinker for no reason so called him back and got pure attitude normally I’d text what’s wrong blah blah blah but no I’m not doing it , fed up of the rudeness ,the moods , we don’t stay together so maybe that’s why I’m finally thinking why am I taking this , I’m ready for throwing the towel in but my feelings keep me with him but because of his behaviour and attitude its tearing everything I feel away bit by bit , we are human beings too we deserve peace of mind and happiness and its realising that while they are in this cycle we are not gonna get either , the feeling unwanted is the worse feeling isn’t it and yet when they show the slightest bit of affection it makes it bearable

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