Crack addiction

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    • #6929

      Hi, ive been on this forum for a while ive observed, read posts and have been nervous to share my story I met my boyfriend 2 years ago, it started off where I generally thought he recreational used cocaine but discovered maybe a year ago that was indeed crack, the spoon etc pipe I came across my heart sinks because the things thats happened such as feeling lonely when hes using we don’t live together he can think nothing of lack of communication with me but when he does its those 3 magic words I love you but can never ever show what he speaks, I feel emotionally detached the one time he did say he would change was a lie a con im learning about addiction ive educated myself and the traits I see are very common it seems. I was wondering does this man feel genuine feelings ? Sometimes I feel like its a act but other times I feel like he genuinely does feel something but also knows he is living a double life trying to balance me and drugs from a outside point of view I need to hear it I believe I need to walk away and call the realtionship because I feel am enabling it by staying in the mess thats created by this awful drug that I know sucks you in I just want some opinions on handling the situation and just to air my feelings as I’m exhausted its a cycle that never ends.

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