Crack cocaine addiction

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    • #7105

      Just need some advice as Iv not ever experienced this before ! I knew my partner had had a rough up bringing and he always opened up to me however he’s recently become addicted to crack cociane which has made him a totally different person he’ lies he manipulates and is vile at times but Iv never not Trusted him with other women this has never been a problem however he’s become so desperate for drugs how now seeking out old friends (women) to manipulate for drug…he loves me I can see that but is he cheating for drugs and just manipulating women he has turned up at women houses for money ect and there’s never been any accusations regarding a sexual nature just that he’s been to women ls houses what do I do and do you think he’s cheating x

    • #25637

      Hey lettie, I’m sorry to hear that your boyfriend is in this very unpredictable place right now and that you dealing with the back lash of addiction, it’s very brave of you to share your story, so thank you, drugs can make you do deceitful things and completely change you as a person, so well done for being loyal, the answer to your question is a tricky one, however I’d like to believe he isn’t being disloyal, i can imagine all he’s thinking about is feeding the habit, and not ingageing in infidelity, I’m sure if know in your gut that he isn’t, it’s a pretty big powerful feeling, so I’ve learnt, and(and it’s taken a very long time to realise it) trust that gut feeling,, you are both going through individual hard times, don’t forget about yourself and look after you also, i hope this reply has been a good one for you lettie, take care from lindsay

    • #25657

      Hi Lettie,

      I’m sorry that you are having a difficult time with your partner’s drug use right now. If you would like some help to answer some of your questions please contact us at Icarus Trust as we are a charity that offers support to people dealing with addiction in their family. If you get in touch one of our trained and experienced Family friends would contact you to talk things through.

      You can contact Icarus Trust on or visit our website

      All the best to you.

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