Crack cocaine and the deception

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    • #6053

      Hello I have never posted before but have been reading for 2 years now – that’s how long it has taken me to be defeated by my partners addiction.

      When we met I knew he was a heroin addict and damaged from his traumatic childhood. He is/was a lovely man and he made me feel alive again. He managed almost a year of no heroin use but had a lapse. I stood by him and supported him through it. Then October 2019 he met a crack cocaine user and since then I have lost him. We have had a break of around 3 months where he wasn’t using.

      He has lost all his money, owes dealers but the worst thing is is the lies.

      My god I have supported him so much. Put him before everything and everyone. Kept his secret. Accessed all help available as he says he wants to stop yet he still continues to lie.

      Is there any stories of hope out there? Where this drug doesn’t win. I feel so lost and broken. Am I alone in this whole situation? I know I should end the relationship but its difficult when you love someone and they keep asking for your support. If I turn my back on him I am afraid of what might happen to him.

    • #18150

      Yes I am in the same boat my partner just started using crack cocaine just 5 days ago and I feel lost, I have lost her I am thinking of turning my back against her I can’t fight this alone is there any suggestions? I heard there are no drugs to help with it

      • #18155

        Sorry. I replied to myself, still getting used to this.


        Thank you for replying.

        I have been told there are no drugs. Drug agency wont help with rehab. Said you have to jump through hoops to get funding.

        It is a horrible drug which leaves you always wanting more. I have been told you always crave it once you have had it. Is this true?

        He took £20 of my money tonight and used. Now he wants more.

        I feel the same I have lost all my energy.

        Is this a relapse for you partner?

    • #18154


      Thank you for replying.

      I have been told there are no drugs. Drug agency wont help with rehab. Said you have to jump through hoops to get funding.

      It is a horrible drug which leaves you always wanting more. I have been told you always crave it once you have had it. Is this true?

      He took £20 of my money tonight and used. Now he wants more.

      I feel the same I have lost all my energy.

      Is this a relapse for you partner?

    • #18156

      She used methadone because of abuse from her ex-husband to substitute for heroin so I cant really tell if this is a relapse she was fine but we have only dated for 7 months and she had a case with the police she was accused of stealing and she can’t cope with it so she resorted to crack. She has just been using it for the past 5 days

      • #18157

        If its still early days for your relationship, you might just escape this. My experience of being in a relationship with an addict, is just one of deceit and hurt. Unfortunately it was a year before I realised. I always thought my love would help – you know change things as he has never had that or family but today I understand I will never be enough nor can I fight this for him.


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