Crack cocaine use getting out of hand

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    • #6326

      Hi, I’m not looking for sympathy, just more advice of getting rid of triggers. I cant seem to go a full week without seeking it out and its been like this since beginning of the year wen I first did cocaine again with an ex… after years of abstinence from crack and occasional heroin use. This year has been terrible for crack to the point I often think about the heroin again and tell myself it will be fine its just the once but my crack use become so frequent I know where its gonna lead. I’m on my 4th day now and trying so hard not to go and score… I just need someone to talk to about this as no one around me truly understands even tho I’ve reached out to others I just get palmed off and now don’t wanna talk to others cause they make me feel like the crack head I feel that I’ve become/becoming

    • #19957

      Don’t give up ! If you’ve done the 4th you can do the 5th,

      I know exactly how your feeling,

      My ex was my trigger I don’t know if it’s the same with you but when I’m not around him I don’t even think about it.

      I try to keep myself occupied talk regularly with a doctor and get the right medication.

      Night time is mainly when I want it so what I try and do I take my sleeping medication that is prescribed earlier than normal so I can sleep through the time I would normally get high.

      You can achieve anything if you want to I let crack destroy everything don’t let it do you there’s so much more to life.

      There is so many beautiful things to see and do memories to be made.

      This lifestyle we have lived is a one way to self destruct.

      Always there to chat

      I hope you find your strength as do I

    • #19984

      Hey, just wanted to let you know… your post really helped and gave me that extra push I needed… made it another few days.. almost a whole week ????.. I know its only a week but I can see a bit of light and we’ll happy with myself… gonna try keep this healthy eating lifestyle up as enjoying feeling good now…

      • #20361

        How are you doing?

    • #19987

      Hi Libertine and Lauren

      Just been reading your thread, i hope you don’t mind. You should both be so proud of yourselves. Keep on doing what you’re doing, it will all be worth it in the end.

      I understand it is so hard for you, my son is 28 and has alcohol and cocaine addictions. The alcohol is a major trigger so abstinence is the only way for him.

      He’s currently 6weeks clean, he’s doing daily online AA,CA, NA meetings, lots of support from the “fellowship ” good sponsor.

      His sleep pattern is better, the weekends are always difficult, he can’t be around his lifelong pals as they drink- but know when to stop!

      He tries to keep himself busy with diy, visiting us, meetings, meditation.

      Shame about lockdown as he hot a lot out of the face to face meetings. But I’m proud of him for getting this far.

      I’m sure anyone who knows you well enough will be too.

      Stay strong, chatting to others here really helps. I know the other mums were supportive when I was needing to vent.

      Take care


    • #20033

      Hey lindy..thanks a lot.. means a lot. And yeah your lads doing the right thing… I had to make my circle a lot smaller to the point of just staying in on my own with my dog which also helps a lot. Just having my dog has helped so much aswell… he was spoilt before my relapse and during and now even more spoilt as have nothing to spend my money on. I even bought myself new trainers and clothes this week… been eating really well the last few weeks and even noticed changes in my face and body as well as mentally. Feeling great at the minute and I hope your boy keeps it up. I’ve now become addicted to health.. I wanna get to the end of this year better than it started as its been hell on my mind and body.. and Lauren I hope your keeping up with your abstinence.. feels good right??

    • #20034

      Great news Libertine! You should be very proud of yourself, and now you’re reaping the rewards with treats to yourself. Even you’ll feel better as you look better.

      Keep on doing what you’re doing ????.

      Sending hugs Lxx

    • #20376

      Good thankyou… still clean… even took myself away from a gathering on new years eve as drink was involved and if I drink then I just wanna get off my head..not gonna lie, its still a struggle and I think about it constantly but I wont break… hope everything is good with you lot…

      • #20377

        So happy to hear that you are doing well! Stay strong you can definitely do it. Join NA groups, take up a hobby to get stuff off your mind, exercise. People definitely believe in you and want you to stay clean. Not going for it on NY Eve was definitely huge step, great job!!!

    • #20380

      Libertine, well done, you should be very proud of yourself! And to be so strong during the festive period!

      My son is now 80plus days clean, it’s been hard for him too, but like you he’s fighting it. He’s doing meetings every day and keeping busy, doing stuff around his flat.

      The AA fellowship have been brilliant and now he’s actually supporting people in similar situations.

      Keep up the great work ????

      Love to all


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