Crap new year

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    • #7192

      Found out other half is on a dating site , done the adult thing and asked he said its an old profile from when we met ,fair enough there was nothing new on it from what I was shown but he managed to.turn it round to me, he went home got wasted on coke all night now today I’m getting the calls him saying I’m ugly insulting parts of my body he hates me , then laughs and thinks he is funny all the while I feel like shit and feel like what’s wrong with me that he thinks all these things about me ,getting to stage I’m sitting in the kitchen making nice new years dinner for me and my kids but I’m in tears , if I say anything to him he starts saying I can’t take a joke and if I don’t like it then I know what to do ,I know I’m babbling on but I have no one else to talk to

    • #26400

      You are not alone. Addicts are selfish, vicious, liars. They lack empathy and are totally absorbed in meeting their own needs. Please, from the bottom of my heart, look after yourself first. Nobody deserves this type of abuse.

    • #26407

      Before I met him I was confident happy and totally secure now I’m total opposite thank you for your reply

    • #26415

      And you can be so again, in time.

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