Cycling around and around

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    • #5919

      Anyone else have someone who has periods of being able to control their addiction, return to their ‘old’ self for a few weeks and then spiral back down and fall back into bad habits? OH thinks he’s doing really well and lockdown is good for him but I can’t help but clock up the times he is drinking. I’m wondering if I should maybe start some sort of diary to see if it is as bad as I think or if I’m overly focusing on the negative?

    • #17312

      My female partner keeps a diary of sorts of how much she eats, drinks and etc for when she is at the doctors or hospital She can show them what days / time’s she’s had a drink.

    • #17318

      I’ve kept diary 4yrs now about my husband’s addiction behaviour for my own peace of mind so I know I am not to blame stood by him yet it’s my fault as always

    • #17478

      Yes, me!! I’ve been with my partner for 5 years and he’s nearly always drank. Same old excuses, same old rubbish. But every so often he will go on a bender and he will be sniffing drugs and god knows what else. Then he just expects me to act like everything’s ok, look after him for a while, then do it again. Sometimes it’s been a year or so inbetween. He went 6 months without drinking before, but ultimately letting him have ‘a few drinks’ every now and then turned into him doing it every night again. At my wits end. I feel you xx

      • #17482

        I hear you. It’s like you give one inch and they have to push the boundaries further and further. Mine is literally drinking himself into sickness. He has a fatty liver and is still drinking two weeks after diagnosis and being told that he needs to abstain. I honestly don’t know how much longer I should stick around this xx

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