Dads drinking.

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    • #6338

      Hello my dad is an alcoholic and has been all my life, I’m now 31. He hasnt been in good health for a long time but recently he has been pretty ill and not really eating, his stomach is bloated and he says he feels like it’s blocked but has been going to the toilet. I’m not mega close with him and don’t see him all that often so I don’t know the extent of his symptoms or if anything is happening but I’m wondering if this could be ascites? Or would he definitely have swollen ankles and be out of breathe with that? Would he still be able to get out and about if it was? I don’t really know where else to talk to people and maybe no one can really answer the questions, I just don’t really know what to do. He won’t see a doctor so I feel a little bit stuck.


    • #20038

      Hey he needs to see a doctor asap, that could be liver issues. Happy to help you any way I can

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