Depressed n had enough

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    • #7213

      I’ve posted on here couple of times starting to sound like a broken record now , I’m so low , I don’t know how I have let someone get under my skin so deeply ,I posted on here about my bf he is a coke addict and has turned into a numb cold hearted guy , I went over to his yesterday , we had a gd time but anytime I went to cuddle him, touch him he said what u doing and moved away , but when he wanted to lie uo next to me that was fine , he dropped me off home kissed me on the cheek n left , feel so rejected, I have spoken to him since we’ll text him and told him how I feel and no response called him and he practically tried to get me off phone ASAP, in tears wondering wtf have I went wrong why he being so cold to me and when did I become this weak person allowing someone to affect me so much , I feel sad and pathetic , he hasn’t used since Thurs so can’t even say it’s the coke making him this way

    • #26623

      Hey, hope you’re okay. This is why I feel its so important to detach yourself as you question everything what they say, do, how they text. Can I ask is this normal behaviour for him was he a cuddly person before? My ex wasn’t some people ain’t I know he’s definitely more distant now he’s in active addiction as that is what they think & care about. You have to really ask yourself what you’re getting out of staying as long as they use they will be emotionally unavailable physically & mentally im afraid, I know it’s scary and you love him or course but if they ain’t working at recovery a relationship is impossible with them.

    • #26624

      Hey how are you ? , he isn’t an overly romantic person but he knows when he does this it gets to me it’s as if he enjoys keeping me on my toes , I said maybe I should just start being as cold as you and his reply was no cos your one of most kindest loving person ever and have heart of gold , but then he acts way he does x

      • #26625

        Hey I’m okay, plodding along trying to keep strong. My children’s father has not been in touch for two weeks now has just cut them off which i suppose he’s doing them a favour if he’s not in a good way at the min which I don’t think he is. I honestly think they are so far removed mentally that they just seem like they are there but not it’s like the lights are on but no ones home, or they are thinking about using either one! Maybe he has said that because he knows he can’t be who you want or need him to be right now and he knows your a lovely person. They will be jekyl and Hyde before Christmas my ex was keeping in touch paying me Child Maintenance & doing really well since the last relapse he has turned really cold distant and ignoring me, im leaving him to it not much else I can do & addiction is progressive it will get worse unfortunately no matter who you are. It is rather daunting I’m 30 with 4 kids we have 3 together and im pretty much a single mum now we were together 10 years so it’s hurts so much. X

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