Desperate Times

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    • #5326

      My husband is a functioning alcoholic. He also takes prescription co-codamol and amitriptyline.

      I really don’t know what to do now. I’ve told him so many times in so many ways I can’t live like this anymore. I feel like I’m living a lie. Nobody else knows. I feel I can’t confide in anyone as they are all too close.

      I am at breaking point. I want to just go to sleep and not wake up so I don’t have to think about it or deal with it anymore.

    • #13213

      The Icarus trust I think can support you. I have emailed them and someone is getting back to me about my husbands drinking problem. I know how it feels to feel like you are alone and you don’t want to share any of the burden with anyone. Maybe try talking to someone about how YOU feel. Focus on how you are feeling now. I hope this helps. This chat service has helped me with my own husbands problem. Take care

      • #13254

        Thank you. I am in same position. I have added complication of being in recovery myself of 3 years. I am frustrated that he is in denial despite drinking 2-3 bottles of wine a day

        I just cannot convince him to take action since I did get him to attend an NHS recommended centre that were not at all helpful.

    • #13252

      I’ve rung Samaritans a few times just so I could talk to someone. They can’t advise just listen.

      I will look up Icarus now.

      Many thanks and hope you’re ok too

    • #13255

      I feel the same can’t they see how they are damaging us I ask myself is it my fault? Will it get better?

      • #13321

        Hi – I also ask myself am I to blame. Am I enabling him?!

        People treat you the way you allow them to treat you. I’m beginning to realise I deserve better x

    • #13259

      Hi Helen/psighco

      I am a nurse so I know the damage he’s doing. I have got numbers for him to call. I’ve told him I can’t do it for him but I will support him through it. I’ve also told him I don’t know how I’m going to feel about him afterwards.

      We were soulmates. I’ve never felt so distant from him in all our time together. l just feel numb to it all now.

      It’s nice to know I’m not alone x

      • #13261

        That is so sad I can relate. I’ve been with him over 20 years. Drink has destroyed trust due to lies he tells. I know I mean a lot to him but he would let me go before he gave it up I’m sure. He keeps saying he will sort it out. Sad he genuinely still believes he can. I dont understand how he can’t realise that he can’t. He’s failed so many times.

        Glad I’ve found I’m not alone too. I’ve contacted icuris Thanks for posting

    • #13274

      Hi girls xx

      I know. We’ve been together for 23 years. Known each other for nearly 30 years. He’s my brothers best friend! My brother doesn’t even know what’s going on as he lives miles away & they only speak on the phone.

      Friday night I came home and found him wasted again. He had work Saturday so I just left him to it. When he got home Saturday he just said sorry. I didn’t say anything because I do not know what to say anymore. I couldn’t even look at him.

      Spent the weekend acting normal like nothing happened. I can’t live like this anymore but I don’t know what else to do that won’t cause upheaval for me.

      • #13275

        This is it exactly! What to do next. If I leave I put myself in threat and could end up losing everything. He will not leave as he doesn’t recognise a significant problem. We muddle on. I swing from enabling him to threats and arguing. It’s like ground hog day. He will eventually make himself ill. Is that what I’m waiting for?

    • #13276

      I work with patients that have alcohol related issues. I know exactly the damage he’s causing. Still he drinks even though he’s admitted he has a problem. I thought that was half the battle?!

      Used to go to work to escape but I’ve had some problems of my own to deal with there too. Some days I am scared I will just break down at work which I really can’t do that’s when I call the Samaritans and just vent.

      I don’t know what the answer is but you can always talk to me if it helps

    • #13277

      Psighco – I also ask myself am I to blame. I am enabling him?!

      People treat you the way you allow them to treat you. I’m beginning to realise I deserve better x

    • #13282

      Just reading about other people’s experiences is useful. You’ve said several things that I can relate too. I can talk to him one day and I can feel certain that he realises he has to do something the next day he’s drinking and says he didn’t say what he said. I find hidden empty bottles everywhere. He lies about when and how much he’s drunk. He had 3 bottles of wine yesterday. After 2 we went to a BBQ. He said he would have a beer. I caught him drinking port out of bottle from where drink was kept. He said he was getting a beer. He had port on his t shirt. He’s not violent or aggressive but he is half cut all of the time and quiet as a mouse and withdrawn when he can’t get it. I’ve taken control of money before but he will steal it if he has too. I now make sure he has money or he will end up with a criminal conviction and no job

    • #13287

      We get on so well. He’s very loving and attentive most of the time. If he wasn’t I’d have left a long time ago.

      I just know not to tell him or say anything to him after about 9pm. He’s whole demeanour changes. I’ve told him it’s like living with Jekyll and Hyde.

      He was wasted when I got home on Friday. He makes stupid comments and I’ve learnt to just ignore them & went to bed. Saturday as soon as he got home he said sorry but I didn’t even have the energy to ask him what he was sorry for. I just do not know what to say to him anymore so we just act normal. It’s absolute madness. I feel something is going to give soon

      • #13290

        How much does he drink? It’s obviously too much but my husband seems to think it’s sustainable (I believe ) to drink 2 or 3 bottles wine a day. Swings from admitting he needs to do something to saying he just needs to cut down a bit. He never misses work but he smells of it I think work must know but he is reliable and hard working. At weekend he will start at 7am if it’s in the house He hasn’t been drink free since Christmas I’m

        Same. Partner is a

        Sweet gentle person but he gets on my nerves when he’s drunk

        He is going to have a stroke or something. How long has your partner been like he is ?

    • #13291

      He works really hard.

      During the week he starts as soon as he gets home 4+cans of cider and 1-2 bottles of white wine.

      At weekends he will start about 11am. Sometimes has a drink before he’s eaten. He also takes prescribed painkillers and amitriptyline. Lethal combination. He has always liked a drink. Known to be life and soul of any family gatherings but they don’t see him when he comes home and drinks more. He glazes over, starts slurring, stumbling about. And then wonders why I don’t want to sleep with him?

      It started about 15 years ago.

    • #13292

      So many things I recognise there. I’ve tried so many things. I got him to a referral but he lied about amount pointless if heart wasnt in it. I doubt he’ll go again as wasn’t good experience Threatened to leave but he’d try hard for a day or so and then I’d suspect he’d drunk anyway. If I leave ( he won’t ) I’ll hurt myself more than him I think. He’d go downhill too. I find it frustrating that I cannot influence him one bit. In fact my success in recovery makes him more defiant We had couples counselling years ago. So I’m waiting for something to happen that gives him a shove. Our life is on hold until then

    • #13294

      I don’t drink. Never liked the taste of it tbh & I like to be in control.

      Well done for beating it. I know it’s not easy and must be even harder when your partner drinks.

      I totally get that. I’m just waiting for something bad to happen.

      What will it take & how long can I carry on living like this?

      I have my own stuff to deal with and just feel something is going to give soon.

      • #13316

        I have made sure others are aware

        It felt like betrayal at first but my family know and I contacted his brother. In an argument one time I decided I wasn’t going to make excuses for him. That’s as far as it’s gone. I have threatened to contact his work. Didn’t see it through I have withheld it from him controlling money that didn’t work, I have given him as much as he wants thinking that he would make himself feel awful that doesn’t work either – he will drink all day and still continue the next. The thing that frustrates me the most is that he now refuses to discuss it at all Shuts conversation down completely. I’ve explained how unreasonable that is given we share a life and it affects me I supposed we’ve been round and round and there is little more I can add Do you still have any discussions about what’s going on on his head ?

    • #13312


      I hope that you have been able to get to us at The Icarus Trust. If not here are our contact details.

      You can contact The Icarus Trust on or visit our website

      All the very best.

      Thanks for recommending us Helen.

    • #13315


      I have just emailed you

      Many thanks Helen

    • #13329

      I feel I am betraying him if I tell his family. Told him last night he needs professional help and he needs to make the call. He has today to do it or I will tell his sister. I can’t deal with it on my own anymore.

      Also emailed Icarus for support.

      It’s so hard as I still see glimpses of the man I married.

      This would be so much easier if I didn’t love him so much.

    • #13344

      I think you’re doing the right this by telling sister even if it just allows you not to bear it all on your shoulders. You Have to look after you too As you said you can’t go on as it is. My husband can’t really see why it should affect me. He denys he’s any different I never know who I’m going to get. He had no dreams or desires for future he lives entirely in the moment. He is completely occupied by drink. I truly believe there is no event that’s led to this, drinking has increased over time and it’s just comfortable. I can’t fix it. Just As you said will face to do it himself and he doesn’t want too. I have had an introduction email from Icarus. Hope they are able to find you support. Will be happy to listen as well

      • #13456

        I like you am holding out for some support. He can’t do it on his own. He needs professional help and he has made an appointment. He has a lot of demons & I’m just hoping he will finally be able to face them & I can have my husband back. I know there is no quick fix & things will get worse before they get better but it’s a start.

        I’m just waiting for Icarus to get back to me. Admitting I need help has been a big step for me.

        I hope they can help you too x

    • #13451

      It’s comforting to know there are people going through similar issues, as it’s such a lonely thing to experience , especially if like me you don’t want to share the burden with friends and family. We are due to be going on holiday tomorrow but he’s just told me to go alone because I’m selfish. I am the most un-selfish person you could meet ( sounds arrogant and I am really not ! ) so for him to say that devastates me. I know it’s the drink talking, but it’s impossible not to be upset. Sending love to everyone xxx

    • #13455

      I agree I have never felt so alone in my life. It’s such a heavy burden to carry on your own. I’ve admitted to myself I can’t do it on my own so am hoping Icarus counsellor contacts me now I’ve finally asked for some help. I urge you to do the same if you haven’t already.

      I have no tears left I just feel very sad all the time.

      I don’t doubt for a minute that you aren’t selfish.

      Alcohol will always comes first which clouds his judgement and he reacts so differently to if he was sober. It’s a constant battle. And I’m so tired of feeling this way.

      I hope you can enjoy your holiday. Take care x

    • #13466

      Brilliant he’s taken the first step! Hes taken action that’s great. No it won’t be easy but your at least on the road. I have had contact with Icarus and arranged a call this week I’m sure will be the same for you.

      Had talk with husband at weekend. Managed to have a bit of a conversation which has resulted in new promise to cut down. I should be happy but I find it sad that he thinks willpower will allow him to drink like normal people. We’ve been here a million times and I’ve congratulated him on one day. There is life behind the eyes today. I’m now waiting for day he tells me he’s hasnt drunk and it’s obvious he has. Seeing his struggle hurts me so much. I feel guilty for not feeling optimistic. Perhaps I’ll get help in my phone call

      Please keep posting. It helps immensely!

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