Desperately seeking support – Trigger Warning Sexual Violence

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    • #35017

      It’s really difficult for me to write about this – all the feelings of shame it’s not something that is easy to share.

      About a year ago my adult child son drugged me with the intention of raping me. I feel sick writing this.  I woke up fortunately whilst I was being assaulted. I had not choice but to call the police as I have 2 younger children in the house.

      I am waiting CPS to make a decision – there is lots of evidence such as video, written things. Recordings of other times I have no idea about.

      My son has struggled with his mental health which has not been helped by drug use. Diagnosed with ADHD and Autism. I have tried so many times to get support.

      I haven’t accessed support for myself as I have never heard of this happening from adult child to parent. It has totally shook up my world. I feel alone, that nothing will ever feel better.

      I don’t know what I am asking on here other than maybe being validated anonymously. I can’t find what sort of groups I really fit into.

      Thanks for reading if you got this far x

    • #35020


    • #35193

      Hi Karga
      Are you saying there are recordings of him raping you that you don’t know about because you were drugged?
      If so then hopefully he will go to jail for a very long time and you will be free of him
      None of this is your fault in any way at all just as if he were a stranger to you it wouldn’t be you to blame
      I am sending you massive cuddles and truly hope everything is as OK as it can ever be for you xxx

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