Do I tell his family about his cannabis addiction?

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    • #6231

      Hi all,

      I’m really struggling at the moment, and going through a hard time emotionally with my husband’s cannabis addiction. His family have no idea he smokes every day, and would probably be quite shocked to find out.

      His mum is an alcoholic who has just been diagnosed with terminal lung cancer, so I didn’t think that telling his mum or dad would be a good idea right now. However, he has a brother and a sister who could maybe offer support / encouragement to try and kick his habit.

      Does anyone have any experience with this? I’m just so sick of keeping his secrets, and pretending that everything is ok, I am really at breaking point with this. His behaviour has hurt me for so long, for so many years, I’m just struggling to keep my head above water. Any suggestions / help would be welcome.

    • #19365

      Hi Tina

      I’ve just seen your post. I’m sorry to hear that your struggling with your situation. It must be very difficult for you. Have you spoken to your husband about the possibility of you telling his family about his use of cannabis?

    • #19556

      Hi Tina, I am in a similar position to you. I talked with my husband and he begged me not to tell his family, said his mum would disown him. This has left me feeling I cant turn to her for help, he has been put on sleeping tablets and antidepressants but that was months ago and there has been no improvement, no weaning off the cannabis and no he is drinking too. I am petrified of with- holding cash as he gets into a panic and I feel I have to help him. I hope you have found help with his family but if not hopefully you are getting support from somewhere xx take care

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