Do they ever really stop?

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    • #4684

      I’m a mum of 29 year old drug addict to Legal Highs and weed – which he seems to believe is his medicine he’s convinced himself that he has a Mental Health disorder and he’s self medicating (so obviously doesn’t have a drug problem!), over the past 10 years he’s lost everything his business, partner and friends. We have had so many nights worrying and wondering where he is, he sleeps on the streets then turns up at home and just doesn’t go we have so many arguments with him he can be very angry gets in trouble with the police etc… he hasn’t worked for years and seems to think everyone owes him. I’ve had enough i don’t like the person he is but every time we say enough he’s on his own we just take him back thinking this time he will try to change he must have hit rock bottom .. etc then he’s ok for a little while and it just starts again usually ending up with him being arrested for being so angry and abusive they let him go, then he goes missing (off grid) tells us he’s been sleeping on the streets in the freezing cold then he will turn up please can i stay the night we feel sorry for him say yes and we go over the same cycle. Family say set boundaries I’d like to see how when you have a grown man high as a kite sitting saying i’m not taking anything just tiered etc.. I want to live a life I don’t want to live this life i’ve had enough. We’ve tried everything given him as much as we can. I just want it to end but don’t know how

    • #10051

      Hi Maxx,

      Thank you for sharing your story. Sorry to hear about your difficult situation. Adfam can help you by providing peer support and helping you connect with people of similar experiences. If interested, please, follow the link :

      Best Wishes,


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