Do wives come back???

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    • #7194

      Been sober for 2 months. Going to meetings every day. The reason I finally stopped drinking was the wife left she was done being my enabler. So we are separated in the same house for while. With kids coming and going from our previous marriages. I do talk to my sponsor and group members. Just looking for some one to talk about this stuff with. It really messes with my anxiety and depression.

    • #26386

      Hi Jack, welcome to the forum, everyone here has a loved one who has addictions and also some people in recovery offering support and advice.

      Congratulations on seeking help and being sober for 2 months! That’s great.

      I’m the mother of a 29yr son who has alcohol and cocaine addictions. Through AA and CA support, he’s been clean for 6 + months. I know it’s been a really difficult journey for him, and every day is like a battle.

      I realise that I’m in a different situation because I’m the mum affected not the wife, but it’s kind of similar.

      It’s so much easier to be around him, he’s more thoughtful, apologetic if he gets angry, he physically looks better.

      Perhaps if you’re wife sees these small changes, she will be more forgiving. If you’re doing the 12 steps, you have to seek forgiveness from people you hurt while drinking. It may take a bit time and patience, but there may still be a chance for you both.

      Keep looking after yourself, spend time with your family, find a hobby you enjoy. Keep going to the meetings, some of these groups organise big events all up and down the country and overseas. Check them out, it’ll give you something to look forward to.

      My son has made some good friends through the fellowship.

      My son has anxiety and depression, but he has coping strategies now. Things will get better for you Jack, it will just take a bit time.

      Keep posting here, let us know how you’re doing.

      Stay strong ????


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