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    • #4457

      Hi, my husband is 47 and we have been married 15 years. Throughout our marriage he has gone on drink and cocaine binges. I have two young children and this has been very very hard. He will just ‘disappear’. He wont come home, doesn’t answer his phone and never explains where he has been. He generally returns 2/3 days later, smelling and ill. To live with him is hell, he is unpredictable, untrustworthy, snappy and moody. Then once he has made himself so ill through the drugs and drink, he will take 3 weeks off and clean himself up. During this faze he is wonderful, great with the kids, kind considerate and helpful. But then you see him get itchy feet and re-start his cycle of drug/alcohol abuse. This is really getting me down, especially as he cant keep a job.I feel so isolated, and cant share this with friends as i am ashamed of his behaviour. I am worried about the effect this will have on my children aged 12 & 7. Anyone else out there experiencing similar problems?

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