Dont know how to stop…

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    • #7096

      Hey people,

      I am not sure what I am doing here but it seems like a safe place to share so thats a start. I appear to be the one you are all talking about, the lover, the parent, the friend, the important person in your life who is lying to you and abusing a substance and trying to hide it. Thats me. Im living two separate lives and no one really knows. Im desperate to stop, so so desperate. I convince myself that continuing to do it will be the quickest way out, justify it to myself time and time again. Everytime I say it will be the last…I cant do it for my son, I can’t do it for me, I cant do it for the people I love. If I’m honest, Im bored of life and living! I don’t think I will ever be able to do it on my own…because I am addicted.

      And, I dont know how to stop!

      How do I stop??

    • #25619

      Hi Blaggin, welcome to the forum, yes, most people here have a loved one who has addictions and also some people in recovery offering support and advice too.

      You have taken the first step to admit that you have an addiction and want support. This is a good start, and a difficult thing to admit.

      My son has alcohol and cocaine addictions, (the alcohol triggers the need for cocaine ).

      He is currently in early recovery, he’s been through some bad times, and so have we. Thankfully, he reached out to CA and AA fellowship groups. He goes to the meetings regularly- you have to- he is working the 12 steps with a sponsor and has great support from these guys.

      It’s a daily battle, you need to be strong to fight the urges, but give it time, one day at a time…you’ll get there.

      Scroll back a bit and read Danman83 posts. He offers good advice as a person in recovery. Relapses can happen but you just have to get back on the saddle again !

      Please try these fellowships, it really can work, faith, strength and hope is their motto . You truly need this, to beat this evil that is addiction .

      I wish you well my friend ❤


    • #25638

      Hey blagginit, i live a mirror image of your life right now, subo can relate to your story 100%,the pure fact that we are both desperate to stop and for myself, I’m struggling every day, I’ve just joined on here and I’m loving tge sincerity of all the people’s honest heartfelt stories, as lindyloo mentioned, being part of n/a is a really great place to start, you get strength and inspiration from the members of the fellowship, just being with others who get you /us, the hardest part is taking that step, because we are hiding our other life, I’m currently going to the online n/a meetings, maybe that would be a good place to start, and get a feel for it, thank you for sharing and I hope you /i can get to that ready day and change the cycle take care lindsay

      • #25641

        Hi lins, welcome to the forum and thank you for sharing your story.

        I wish you all the best on your journey to recovery. Keep posting and let us know how you’re doing my friend.

        Stay strong

        Lx ❤

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