Don’t know what to do

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      Hi, my best friend who is my cousin is an addict.. she went to rehab a few times and i thought it clicked for her last time, even though she told me an addict will always struggle.. this summer she got into the alcohol kind of bad, and lately she slowed down but got to drinking almost every day. But at the same time could spend time with her kids and work with them to get their online work done, spend time with them, but then take shots every now and then and not be all sloppy drunk. To me I thought this was okay, I’d rather her do this then stick needles in her neck like her previous DOC. I even resorted to drinking with her, 2-3 hours here and there, in my head, if she’s with me getting buzzed and not hammered this was okay. She recently told me she smokes meth now and then with one of her friends. It’s bothered me but at the same time I’m thankful she told me the truth. I feel horrible because it really bothers me that she’s smoking meth as her last doc was shooting it and it got bad, and now I’m super worried. She says she wants to get better but she’s not ready yet. How do I handle this situation? I don’t want to be negative but sometimes I ask her if she’s smoking meth and she gets mad at me for asking, and I only do because I would leave her alone to do her thing if that was the case but she gets so defensive. I just want her to go away and get help but I don’t think she’s close because it’s like she’s a functioning addict right now, takes care of her kids, does their school work with them, attends family functions.. maybe she is a function addict.. but I know she’s even that much of a better person when she’s sober.. like today if I were to ask her for help with something she’d be here. I care so much it makes me mad sometimes.. I just want her to be the best mom I know she can be to her boys.. and I don’t want it to get bad like before. How do I handle this situation?

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