Don’t understand daughters alcohol misuse.

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    • #7615

      My 34 yr old daughter has an alcohol abuse issue. This has been the case for a few years. She’s 34, has a good job and still lives with us. She can go for a week maybe 2 without alcohol and then have a binge. This has been the case for a for a couple of years. She has also driven her car after drinking. We are at a loss with how to help her and confused with the pattern of her alcohol misuse. She will lie to us and manipulate us so she can drink. We don’t understand how she can exercise restraint for a couple of weeks and then drink. We’re obviously worried sick about her , but this is also causing massive issues within our family. We go between incredible anger when she has one of these binges , to being worried sick and heartbroken. We don’t know the best way to help her and to manage the damage this is causing to us and our family. We’d welcome any input.

    • #30573

      I am so sorry to hear what you are going through but it is also a comfort to know we are not on our own. We are going through something similar with our son. He is almost 30, still lives at home and holds down his job. He hardly ever goes out but brings home a crate of beer almost every night then sits alone in his room drinking. We have tried to be understanding & supportive and offered to help him get help but he just denies he has a problem, cuts down for a few days then goes back to his old ways. He says he’s not depressed and I don’t know why he has turned to drink. I am becoming very concerned that this will soon start to affect his health and by the fact that he seems to have no friends or hobbies away from alcohol. I really don’t know how to best help him when he doesn’t seem to want to help himself. I’m worried if he doesn’t stop soon his health will suffer & he will lose his job.

    • #30594

      Parents or loved ones can loose a lot more than the one their trying to save.

      Try reading ” A merry go round named Denial.” ( an alanon leaflet… Google it)

      My son drinks at home still at 38 but daughter now 40 is 5 years sober has a new beginning.

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