down in the dumps

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    • #4210

      Feel proper crappy (excuse the expression) have nt spoke properly to my son for over a week now…I know he has recently just moved into another new flat and feeling really bad for not helping him, even though everyone around me is saying leave him to it….hes been abusive and real hard work through a drug problem and i came to the end of my tether….My consciious is really nagging me…has he got a bed to sleep in is he eating….its just awful….but I know if I offer to help i will be back down the same road…bleeding me dry of money and getting shed loads of abuse…just hate feeling like im being a horrible mom 🙁

    • #8339

      Hey, I am a new song bird to this site and I saw your story, I am sorry to hear you are going through this, but from what u have written I think in my heart of hearts you are doing the right thing..I wish my mother had your courage and strength that you have. My brother is a alcoholic and hes just started taking drugs abusive towards me and my mother so violent he needs restraining,. Im lost somewhere its a endless road. And a battle just to get through the day. As long as your son has a roof a bed and food hes in a good place its such a shame your in a dark world becauae of him. Your not horrible you have tried and there is only so much u can do before you have nothing left, takecare of you x

    • #8347

      Hey hunni…come on now, you are nothing but a fabulous mother who loves her son. We have shared your story. felt it, lived it, breathed it….You are a mother at the end of the line…..Dont feel guilty, nobody can do anything now but your son, and in your heart I think you have realised that!!! Stay strong and know we support you, and feel your anxiety…….however we all need to stop enabling them……luv to you hunni xxx

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