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    • #4205

      My husband has a drugs past (injecting amphetamine), has tried most drugs, takes Ecstasy now and then but smokes weed every day. Throughout our marriage i have come to realise that the weed smoking is more of a problem than i thought. Although we both work, we are constantly skint. We have two children and i really resent the fact that sometimes i cant afford to buy them what they need ie school shoes etc. He has promised to give up so many times and lied so many times. He no longer smokes in the house which is better, but is still smoking and lying to me about it despite me finding out again about a month ago. This week for the 1st time i went with him to NA meeting. He is going alone tonight and again tomorrow evening so I am trying to be hopeful but I feel that i can no longer offer him my support until he is more honest with me. I resent the fact that smoking weed comes before me and the children, one who is preparing and taking GCSEs at the moment. I have taken my wedding ring off. Im making a stand. Im not putting up with it anymore but whats the alternative?My kids love their dad and wont want us to split as a famliy. Im so frustrated! I have really identified with all your stories and I send you all my love and prayers.

    • #8317

      Hi Mary… really hoping that he continues with the support group, tries to stop…. Drugs dont just effect the person taking them, it effects those around them….and MORE!! Unfortunately those who take drugs are selfish, they lie, , they are deceitful……the negative list goes on and on….big hugs luv Susie xx

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