Dreading the homecoming

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    • #7126

      Hi all,

      My husband is due home from rehab next week and whilst I am looking forward to it in some ways – I am also dreading it. He seems to have done really well but I feel unsure and guarded. Does anyone have any experience or advice regarding this? I’m not sure how to prepare myself.

    • #25859

      Hi fifi, thank you for sharing your story. Everyone here has a loved one with addictions and also some people in recovery offering support and advice.

      My son has alcohol and cocaine addictions, thankfully he is in early recovery at the moment. He’s never been in rehab but even when he’s clean I always feel I’m walking on eggshells or looking over my shoulder.

      I think your mind is so used to waiting for the next bad thing to happen, its kinda hard to switch that off. Almost like PTSD.

      I’m no expert but that’s what it feels like to me.

      Just follow the advice they are given – take each day at a time, don’t think too far ahead. Enjoy spending some positive experiences as much as possible.

      I wish you both well.


      • #25867

        Thanks Lindyloo. It does very much feel like PTSD or like a phobia of waiting for the next thing to happen.

        Best of luck to your son too.

    • #25862

      Hi fifikaye,

      Like Lindyloo says take one day at a time.

      My Son has been in Rehab, and they have to work really hard when they come out. I think Rehab gives them all the right tools to do what needs to be done, it is up to them to carry on with the good work that would have been done in Rehab.

      Really they need to completely change their life, don’t go back to people who they mixed with before, stay away from places that might trigger thoughts.

      I wish you luck in your journey and hope your Husband carries on the good work.

      Take care.


      • #25866

        Thank you Debc. They are in such an isolated bubble right now.

        Best of luck to your son too.

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