Drug addict boyfriend

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    • #7164

      Hi everyone, im really lost and i dont know what to do, so im here to ask for advice. I have a boyfriend, let say his name is Ben. I meet Ben in my class and we became friends, i knew he did drugs before we dated and i didnt think it would be a problem for me if we dated. We started dating and everything was good but then he started offering me drugs because he said drugs are a easy way to get closer with someone in a short period of time. I refused it a lot of time and told him id think about it. After just one month of dating i gave in and since then ive been doing drugs with him and since then i actually realized that its not that easy being with a drug addict or being a drug addict yourself. I really want us to stop doing drugs but i dont know how that would work, when we go out were never sober, we always take something and i have a feeling like we wouldn’t be able to talk normaly or have fun normally without drugs. Thats why i want us to stop so badly, also because he lost a lot of weight and so did i. Today i told him that one day we will have to stop, at the same time together.. but i dont know where to start. Were both failing a lot of classes and i dont really care much about it and i know he doesnt either.. i dont know if i care enough about my life to stop doing drugs or start doing something productive. The only reason i really want this is because i want to be happy without drugs but i also want my boyfriend to be happy with me. Hes addicted way worse then me and i dont know how could i alone be able to help him and myself. If i wanna stop i need to stop now.. that’s what a lot if people told me but honestly i wish it was almost half as easy as that. Im scared to stop now but i do wanna stop. Im scared to stop because at one point i can say that drugs really made me feel fulfilled and i felt like that was all i really need, i dont know if i still feel that way. I really dont know what to do, im still so young and i dont know how will u live with myself if i dont do it as quick as possible. Please help me!

    • #26228

      Hello, I’m not sure what you are using. My only experience is my son who is a heroin addict. If this is where you are, I’d say you need to get out quickly, this is going to ruin your life and the lives of people who love you. There are really kind and helpful forums on Reddit for all kinds of addiction, Opiate Recovery is a very supportive community, but as I said that may not be what you’re looking for, but you can search for other groups.

      A relationship based on being intoxicated isn’t real and is about as unhealthy as it can get. You sound like a lovely person, but please wake up and start to value your own life.

      I hope you can get the support you need.

    • #26232

      Oh darling you are intelligent enough to realise that you are heading down the wrong path for you and your boyfriend. Try to get help for him but honestly if you can take a step back to wonder what it really was that made you try substances in the first place. If you can know your own mind you are in a place of hope and then help others xxxxx l wish you all the strength you may need

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