The pain, the hurt, the dishonesty are all the emotions we all go through when a loved one has an addiction.
My heartache began when my son turned 14and like most people on this forum i had no idea what was happening when he turned froma loving and caring son. into jekyll&Hyde virtually overnight.
tThe lying. stealing, abusive language, staying out and inthe end not seeing him for days.
We had all the different organisations available but neither of them did he really participate in, to be honest he didn,t want the help.
For seven years my heart has felt pain and after time in therapy myself i have finally come to terms that you can only help someone if they want to help themselves.
That was the hardest part for me because i had to let go.
He became homeless when he was 17 and has been to prison three times in the last two years, he his currently serving 71 days at hmp for theft.
This may sound terrible but a weight has been lifted of my shoulders because at least i know where he is and he is safe, what happens when he comes out god only knows.
when he truly wants our help we will be there for him.