Drug dealer’s money ‘stolen’ from my son who was looking after it

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    • #7033

      My son is 19 and was (stupidly) looking after, allegedly a Lot of money (80K) for a drug dealing associate of his.

      He is now being threatened with threats of harm to us and his grandparents and aunt as the Dealer knows where we all live.

      We are pretty sure the Dealer somehow arranged the theft, but have no proof. My son refuses to say Anything to Police for fear of recriminations to us. He is living in absolute fear and is paying the Dealer back 1K every 4 weeks. He works in a shop – so must be in debt up to his armpits.

      My question is, where can we go to for support for this. My son is not ( as far as I know, an addict) but is traumatised through his connections to his drug dealing ‘friend’.

      My son has taken it upon himself to trust no one ( I rang the police trying desperately to get the Dealer arrested, but they are powerless to act as my son won’t Ever grass).

      He has been arrested along with the Dealer for supplying Class A drugs – the Dealer makes him do transporting jobs etc with the same threats if he refuses.

      My son is at his wits end, he has fallen out with us as we wont/can’t rescue him from this. He is convinced that if he pays back what he owes, then Dealer will leave him alone. However everyone we speak to, friends, police etc all say this never happens. So, my son is thinking we don’t love him cos we are refusing to pay this debt for him. At one stage we considered paying it for him (our life’s savings) – until police told us we would we be committing a crime by doing so.

      We feel we are powerless. We are losing our son who thinks that we dont love him and no one will/can help him.

      Where can we go for help- please xx

    • #25110

      Hi BeachHut.

      I have just come across your post.

      To me it sounds like this dealer has befriended your son just for this reason.

      it’s common in the drug dealing world. They befriend young Naïve people to store drugs for them. They think they’re there mates but in hindsight there definitely not. All dealers are the same, the have one thing in mind and it’s £££££.

      As this dealer been remanded?

    • #25111

      No, hes running free as a bird. Police know of him but my son wont ‘grass’ for fear of recriminations- they have both been arrested re conspiracy to supply class A drugs but no charges were made. Again, my son Is doing driving jobs for this Dealer as he dare not refuse. Hes had his car smashed up and I’m amazed he wasn’t hurt!

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