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    • #5500

      i have a son and his partner taking heroin and crack,it got worse when my wife passed away five years ago they have been in rehab came out after five months clean went back on the drugs now their children are in care, they keep coming to me for money i do say no but tell me that many lies sometimes just dont know what to do.

    • #14884

      First of all can I say how sorry I am for your loss. Now you are trying to deal with the emotional stress of knowing both your son and his partner are addicts. Your grandchildren are away from you. Do you get to see them? Remember grandparents can get advice on seeing their grandchildren. As for your son and partner please please don’t give them money and enable their habit. They have got to want to get help and treatment. They know of your loss but still they come to you. You must find the strength to say no. It’s heartbreaking but try & spend time with your friends, speak to the authorities about seeing your grandchildren and remember the lies and deceit from the lips of your own son and partner is because of their addiction. Stay strong.X

      • #15021

        sorry for not replying sooner,thanks for your kind words i am trying with great difficultly not to give them money they come up with that many excuses to get money from me its hard to believe what the truth is, i am trying to distance myself from them i don’t phone them now,they get paid today so very unlikely to be in touch today just hope they use their money for food today and not drugs. Had contact last week with grandchildren that went well thanks.

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