Episode with alcohol

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    • #7423

      Hi everyone,

      I know this may seem insignificant compared to other real struggles and issues.

      I am looking for some advice and answers for something that occurred a month ago and I hope you will be able to help me.

      I have spoken to a doctor about this and had bloods and urine tested but these came back normal.


      I am a 38 year old male. I’m just below the BMI threshold of overweight. I don’t work out but I eat relatively healthily.

      I would’ve drank at least 3 times per week: 4-5 beers on a Wednesday and on q Friday plus around 5 to 6 on Saturdays.

      I have a family with 3 kids, the youngest is 2.5 years.

      I would get the minimum amount of sleep, 6 to 8 hours per night but once a fortnight, I would not sleep at all on the Saturday night.

      On this Saturday night, I started drinking around 22:30 until around 2am (i think). I had drank 4 cans of 6.6% ale and 2 pint bottles of 5.2% ale.

      I was drunk and I remember going to bed.

      My partner said that I got up out of bed (I think I had fallen asleep) and stumbled about and stood over the cot next to our bed with our 2 year old sleeping inside and looked as if I was going to urinate over the cot. Partner said I had my member in my hand. She came over to ask what I was doing and I stumbled again, which made me change position and then urinated on the floor beside the cot. Throughout this, I was speaking gibberish, seemed delirious, and it was like I was on a different planet.

      My partner asked me to clean it up but I snapped at her and was aggressive toward her.

      I remember standing there but I don’t remember urinating and I remember cleaning it up.

      There is no history of sleep walking or anything like that.

      I have felt run down for the last 6 months with zero energy whereas before I was energetic enough.

      Any help would be appreciated.

      Thank you,


    • #28313

      As a widow of an alcoholic spouse I recognize this as the early events of the beginning of alcoholic behavior. It does not get better without admitting that this is due to alcohol abuse, not a a sleep disorder. FYI, I am an experienced sleep disorder professional and the spouse of a deceased alcoholic.

      • #28316

        Thanks for the reply.

        It was abuse of too much high strength alcohol in one go, I agree. It was an isolated incident and I guess I want to know if my reaction to that amount of alcohol is an indication of an underlying issue or just that I’m just not able to drink that much anymore.


    • #28342

      Hi macface

      I would seek help to stop drinking

      Lots of people on this forum

      Have family / loved ones with varying decrees of addiction

      Theresa thread is very long but might be worth a read for you

      Our addicts mostly engage in dangerous or at best risky behavior

      And many have caused themselves harm

      And some are unlikely to recover

      When a drinker says I’ve had this to drink you can usually add quite a bit to the amount

      It’s called denial

      I suggest you get yourself together if you still can and make a plan to stop drinking

      I hope it’s not too late

      As it will ruin your life and your family’s

      Life too

      My son as no memory of half the crazy things he’s done

      Fallen ,been lost .driven his car ,

      Walked out of work ,been violent

      He’s lost days

      The world keeps turning he has let so many people down

      He’s on his own now and I’m the only one that checks he is ok

      It’s time to take stock not of your family

      But of yourself and where you want to be

      Otherwise is a very rocky road you will be on

      You will only stop for yourself

      Family soon get fed up and move on who can blame them

      Start today

      Take care


    • #28343


      Forgot to say drinking alone is a red flag


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