Ever heard of Johnny Cash

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      Let’s Leap forward 2 years. My nephew is now in high school. He’s a top ten student, not really involved in anything else but school, alcohol, and his new best friend drugs.

      This was now a best kept secret. From my wife, from me, from relatives, from co-workers from the public. It was the biggest mis-information campaign going right under our very noses. But we all want to believe everything is hunky dory so we can deal with our own problems. It’s easier than stopping and saying, “hey, why is he speech slurred or his eyes glassy”. Why do we continue to hear about alcohol and drugs from the grandparents and superstar rating from his mom and dad?

      My wife and I loved this kid. He was part of our wedding and he was a toddler he spent a lions share of the time with us. He escorted my wife to Disney when I couldn’t go. Just thought I would mention that as I continue.

      I had an old truck I wasn’t using so we decided to give it to my nephew to use. A week later we were advised that he had totaled the truck and my insurance advised me that he had reportedly been under the influence when he wrecked. So now the Jeanie was out of the bottle. We were now told that he had a alcohol and drug problem but was going to rehab. However, the neither the school or his friends would be told so we were sworn to secrecy. Looking back at day, instead of keeping quiet I should have talked to all our relatives and friends and his friends, and so on and so on. What we needed was more information and support not silence.

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