Everyone around me has a problem

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    • #7745

      I am feeling so sick of losing loved ones, both physically or mentally, my whole life, I have watched my family destroy themselves, my step dad passed away when I was 16 from Heroin OD, my first and only love I have been with for 7 and then another 4 years after a 4 year break, is a recovering heroin addict but still has other addictions and I am petrified everyday that he will relapse back to heroin, ( I dont know where he is at the moment or what he is doing and it makes me so sick) I have probably missed out on the chances of ever having children and “normal” loving relationship due to going back to him…

      my mother has been addicted to speed since I was 6, my dad a recovering alcoholic, my brother died of OD, various other family member addicted to medicated drugs, I am straight and am struggling mentally with all of the damage drugs have done to my life… I’m sorry for the long message! I needed to get this of my chest, nobody knows how I am feeling, every day my chest feels like it gets tighter, I am sorry that anyone of us are here and I wish harmful drugs where non existent, they have destroyed so much! ????

    • #31000

      Hi Jaden12

      Hope you are ok. It’s awful the negative reprucussions drugs have mentally on someone’s life. Do you have anyone to talk to who can offer you support? I’m lucky in the fact i have close family and friends who are there if I need them. However, at times I feel as though I can’t open up to them.

      This forum does help. I receive comfort in the fact i am not alone and the advice and support from others helps especially on my down days!

      I ???? you get some sort of reprieve. Wishing you strength and hope xx

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