Ex boyfriend and Drug addiction

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    • #5861

      I don’t know what to do or where to turn, my partner of 3 years has been lying to me ever since we met. We was together 3 months and I fell pregnant, promised me the world. Then left me to continue pregnancy on my own. Just before I was due he told me he had a crack addiction. He went to get help and managed to recover from that. Then he has since replaced it with Cocaine. We was ok and getting there with everything, Then I fell pregnant again which was a shock but we was in a good place. Then I found out he has been taking Cocaine behind my back. His family won’t talk to me or ever see the children as he has lied so much to them that they think it’s my fault. Iv tried drug tests which he admitted he forged by using a syringe. He has messaged other women, walked out 5 days before our second Child was Born on Christmas Day . Then the worst happened when he stole off me, and apparently sat in a car doing drugs. Then told me he had been held hostage. I found the truth by calling the police.He left last week and I haven’t heard from him. I have had enough my children and me can’t go through this anymore. There’s so much that’s happened with his drugs, the abuse ,the lies I feel like I don’t know who I am. I’m constantly worried about him. I don’t know where he is. He has no phones. I worry he is back on crack but I just can’t believe anything he says anymore. Sorry for long post never opened up before about all of this

    • #16854

      Hi Leah12

      Sorry you are going through this. Crack is cocaine, it’s just a different name and is used differently.

      Crack binges are very common. And an addict would sell their gran to the devil for a fix.

      You need to emotionally detach from him. And believe me when I say this but take the opportunity he has given you by him leaving. He is a grown man, big enough to look after himself. Your children rely on YOU. So you need to concentrate on yourself and them. Leave him to do whatever he feels is more important.

      I am typing this while my crack addict husband is out doing whatever he feels is more important. He been out since 1pm. I took my kids and had a walk on the beach, ate ice cream and had a nice day. I won’t have him ruin mine and my kids day. Trust me I’ve had 14 years of this and it does not get better only worse. I could only dream of him leaving me. I know I’m not strong enough yet to leave him. But I won’t allow him to steal me from my kids.

      It’s going to be hard but honestly take the opportunity.

      This weekend alone I have had him overdose on heroin and then a few hours after that he passed out in a bush for 5 hours. You DO NOT want to live like that. It’s awful. Please take my advice. Sending you hugs x

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