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    • #7616

      Hi everyone I am new to this forum

      I am sure you all know what it is to reach for any support ,help ,answers understanding

      My daughter has been an alcoholic for 8 years since loosing her dad . She lives with me and my eldest daughter

      I have put up with the verbal and mental abuse for some time , I keep trying looking for answers to WHY she drinks. I try so hard to understand the rubbish she talks (gibberish) the lies the hurtful things are says I sure you all know how it goes

      I’m trying not to bore you with rubbish

      I’ve had a week of screaming and shouting till 03.00 in the morning. Why scream Why shout omg just why. I’m so trying not to cry as I’m writing this but I’m so tired

      There has to be some help out there. I’ve worked for the NHS for 33 years and I cannot find any help except rehab which I have paid for twice

      I cannot do this anymore I don’t want to do this anymore

    • #30326

      I can relate to this feeling, my partner is the exact same and it’s draining me. My blood pressure went up to 250, I’m now on medication for life, I feel like everything revolves around drinking. I know I’m not much help but the doc did say until they hit rock bottom and want to help themselves there’s nothing we can do. Is there any chance she can maybe move out?

    • #30328

      Thank you for your reply

      I wish she could move out but not sure where she would go

      Unsure if to contact social services thinking they may allocate her a social worker

      Mental health really don’t want to know as they have enough to deal with

      So who is it that help us. It’s her addiction not mine

      GP don’t know enough about the subject to help really. They just prescribe antidepressants which most of the time they don’t take due to being drunk most of the time and not remembering

      I wish I could talk to a recovering alcoholic so they maybe able to enlighten me on how it works , but I expect it’s different for each individual

      I’ve spent 12,000 on rehab but that also only works for any length of time if they want it too

      I’ve been to AA meetings with her and listened to people sharing but you are not allowed to speak as you are not the addict

      I’m beginning to waffle a bit now sorry

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