I’ve always thought I was Ok, and now that I’m older I realised I’ve never reallynspoke out because people are quick to judge. When I was younger my dad became a alcoholic and because of this my parents started go sell cannabis, my dad stopped drinking then I at the time called it crushed tablets amphetamineis it’s really name, found out my dad took it, I remember sobbing, a few years later I found out my mam takes it to, both my brothers spoke cannabis one of them is a cocaine addict aswell as taking sleeping tablets too, I love them so much however I don’t agree with any of the drug taking and need to move out however I just wouldn’t be able to live, how can you be surrounded by everyone that’s addicted to drugs when your not. Some how am I the only normal one or are they the normal ones and I’m odd. I know I don’t fit in with my family I’m to ‘up myself’ I’m not I just want to give my children when I have them a better life than I did. Ibw8sh I could turn my back in each one of them, I’m really depressed over this situatuon and need some advice.