Father is an alcoholic and he has drove my brother home under the influence twice.

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    • #6831

      I’m currently panicking because I’m not sure what to do anymore. Ive known my father is an alcoholic for a few months now and the same cycle always repeats itself. He decides to get sober every month when his anti depressants come to his flat 2 days late. But he always comes back to cheap cider by the crate then eventually cheap vodka. The final straw for me was when he drove my 12 year old brother and had a close call with a wall. I quickly went to visit him and found cans of cider in a hiding spot. This has happened before a few years ago but was caused by painkillers. I’m just so lost right now im only 18 and I’m too scared to confront him again. I think my only option is getting my grandmother involved or my auntie. But I need advice as its tearing me apart and I just feel like a coward. Sorry if this paragraph seems messy.

    • #23879

      Hi FJM,

      Welcome to the Forum.

      Please get someone else involved, your too young to deal with this on your own and your Father needs help. I would talk to your Grandmother or Auntie as soon as you can, you do not want your Brother being in the car with him whilst he is under the influence of alcohol.

      I hope this helps and your certainly not a coward. This is a great Forum for support.

      Take care.


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