Feeling hopeless

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      Hi- I am writing this on Adfam as I feel that I cannot speak openly about my husband’s alcohol addiction with friends and family. His closest family are aware of his drinking but I still feel quite alone when dealing with it- I am the one who is living with him daily after all.

      My husband has been self medicating with alcohol for over 5 years. In recent months he has been drinking 500ml of spirit daily. He seems completely lost and a shadow of who he used to be. He drinks because he is depressed and then his depression deepens when he drinks. He barely sleeps and I can’t remember the last time he ate a full meal.

      He goes to weekly meetings at SMART, has seen the GP on a number of occasions and has a support worker but his drinking only gets worse. The GP just keeps recommending all the groups he already attends. He accepted he has a problem but doesn’t/cannot pull himself out of this.

      I feel that I have done all I can to support my husband and fear now that I will have to leave him. Any thoughts, stories or advice you can share with me would be appreciated.

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