Feeling Lost & Not Knowing How To Help My Son ~ Who Is On Meth!

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    • #6276

      I have a 33 year old son ~ who has been a meth user for approx 5 years ~ he used to smoke pot occasionally ~ but his Dad passed away 5 years ago ~ then he started using meth ~ I have tried to get him help numerous times ~ been to drs ~ counsellor’s ~ physiatrists ~ drug counselor’s ~ I always seem to be fighting a loosing battle ~ but I won’t give up on him ~ he has been having very strange behaviour ~ he seriously thinks he has different things coming out of his body such as fibre ~ glass ~ wood splinters ~ & parts of his body are numb & can’t feel anything in them spots of his body ~ today it got really bad ~ he said he had spider mites coming out of his body ~ so he washed himself with dishwashing liquid in an hour long shower & used 5 different towels to dry himself ~ recently he has been using exfoliating gloves to wash his whole body ~ & always stays in there for an hour or more ~ I reached out today contacted a drug & alcohol counselor ~ & our GP ~ & the problem is you tell him it’s from the meth ~ & he gets so angry & goes of his head & says the Meth has nothing to do with it ~ I’ve seriously got a problem & know one beliefs me & thinks I’m stupid & crazy ~ I need now to learn strategies on how to talk to him about his meth use ~ with out him jumping down my throat & wanting to eat me alive ~ because he seriously thinks the meth is in no way causing him to do this unusual behaviour ~ I just feel hopeless as a Mum & not knowing which way to turn ~ I hate seeing my son like this ~ & I’m worried that if I can’t get him in the right frame of mind & explain to him ~ that his unusual behaviour is caused by the meth & he needs help ~ I just don’t know where he’s going to end up ~ & he wouldn’t for one minute think that he has got psychosis from the meth ~ which I’m nearly 100% sure that’s exactly what it is ~ & it’s so sad to watch what he does to his body ~ itching & scratching ~ picking his body with tweezers ~ or rubbing his skin with anything that is rough ~ spraying himself with household cleaners ~ & up to 4 or 5 showers a day ~ has anyone else had family members go through anything like this ~ I’m just hoping I can get him the help he needs & comes to the realisation that this is all from meth use ~ & I know he’s got to want to stop the drug use & seek help & I know only he can do that ~ I can’t force him ~ I’m just hoping for a good outcome ~ & I know it might take a while ~ but I just hate seeing him like this ~ breaks my my heart!

    • #20366

      Hi I noticed that no one has responded. I can’t offer advice but I am just wondering how are you doing? How is your son? I hope you are taking care of yourself!

    • #20368

      So we can’t offer advise I must have missed that somewhere not even a suggestion I do hope ur son is well I have a freind slash dealer who does meth he allways offer it I tell him no every time I already do two pretty hard drugs I definitely don’t want to do meth the two I do has messed up my life real bad I struggle with opiates I did have a awesome rehab experience I went to 3 rehabs and the second one I went to was best rehab and or place I’ve been in life I think it’s called mountainside rehabilitation center the one in Connecticut not in New York but place is awesome I almost beat it but got out and relapsed not cause of the place cause it was my own fault I wanted to go back but it’s like 60gs for detox and rehab I got lucky first time they bite the bullet on my insurance I had one chance I guess and blew it there but I’d talk ur son into going there it’s not advise it’s just best place on east side of America as far as I’m concearned everyday yoga acupuncture games meetings working out gym rock climbing finest three meals a day I ever had so yeah tell em a addict said best place to go my freind who struggles with meth now worries me he’s completely out of it at times he nods of all the time he also mixes meth with fetanal so it’s really bad he also has poop bag he crashed moped while on meth probally so his life sucks his own girlfriend steals from him and two people who live with him do as well every time I see him I worry he’s gonna Overdose and he offers me meth no thanks every time I tell him he probally thinks of me as just another customer he uses me for rides I’m sick of it when I actually cAre about him as a freind not a gay care just a male freind and there’s no talking him out of it dudes gonna die within 6 months he keeps doing meth and fetanal I have that feeling and meth is what’s really killing him the most I hope ur son can read this story and relate or learn from it .i do dope I sniff it unlike all my freinds who shoot and lately been smoking crack I just lost my inlaws too COVID-19 so I started smoking crack before was just dope been on opiates for about15 years I’m so sick of it the drugs in general I have to get clean this week or die trying I can’t kill myself due to my family they need me and they need me clean not all doped up im making us go broke I am a really good person but the drugs make me like a demon it’s time to stop for me if I don’t I will od I don’t want to get up unless I have drugs witch is very sad even my wife knows this thank god we have no kids but yea tell ur son he should atleast browse treatment places or atleast stay away from meth completely I’m not trying to give advice just facts like my life is a living hell and I hide it everyday most people think I’m normal but deep down I’m so sad and unhappy it would literally take Jesus himself to cure me now please help ur son before he ends up like me 35 with low paying job and drug problems wish I could hit a reset button but can’t and it’s no ones fault but my own.my freind on meth really needs to quit as well he will die soon from meth if he doesn’t quit I’m afraid he walks like a hunch back he allways slurs his word it’s like a meth mumble language very hard to even understand him it’s very sad I hope ur son beats this if he doesn’t his life will become very hard I thought drugs were cool and fun not anymore I hate them I only use now cause I’m sick I can’t even work with out some kinda drug in me it’s so sad sorry if I gave advice or didn’t relate I tried I didn’t know u can’t give advise that’s a bad idea to put on a drug forum that’s how most addicts make it sober through advise

    • #20790

      Hi Kerbear66, I’m so sorry you are going through this. I’ve only just come across this forum and read your story. I’m not sure what has happened to your son since you posted but I strongly recommend speaking with your gp about getting him admitted for addiction treatment. I discovered my partner was addicted to meth for a year. I didn’t understand what was happening and thought he was having a nervous breakdown. Eventually his behaviour became so bizarre, paranoia, delusions etc that I became concerned he would be a danger to himself. To cut a long story short he did become a danger to himself and he was eventually sectioned and spent 6 weeks in a mental health facility. It was extremely traumatic but it did help him and he is off the drug and trying to rebuild his life. It is important that you act soon as meth is a terrible drug that can do real damage. Even the police can come out and do a mental health assessment and have him sectioned if needed. It sounds drastic but he will thank you for it in the end. He won’t help himself as the drug has taken hold. There is a lot of information online about meth addiction and lots of places to call for advice. I sincerely wish you luck.

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