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    • #6987

      My fiance has been using heroine and crack cocain for 10 years. When I met her she was just starting on a script for 60mls methadone. She has had a couple of wobbles but got back on track and has done so incredibly well but her drug worker doesn’t seem to be bothered helping much 6 months on she hasn’t even started a reduction and she is now using more or less daily again I have stood by her and when she gets high sits there and gives me down the banks which I’m finding it hard not to have a go back she is back in touch with all her past friends who are also users I’m a grown man crying not knowing what to do I ask her if she wants to give it up and she says she does. I really do want to believe her but I’m scared I will loose her and I love her so much and just need any advice because right now I’m in tears feeling suicidal.

    • #24896

      Hi Marko,

      Thanks for posting on the forum and sorry to hear about what you’re currently going through with your fiance’s crack and heroin use and the impact it is having in you which sounds really hard.

      To speak with someone about what you are going through – you can call Samaritans for free on 116 123, they are available, 24/7.

      The following charities also have webchats for family members affected by a loved one’s substance use to speak with someone, that are available right now:

      CGL (9am-6pm on Thursdays) – visit here

      We Are With You (until 9pm) – visit here

      Information & guidance is also available on the Adfam website.

      Best wishes,


    • #24903

      So sorry to read your post.

      I work for Icarus trust which is a charity that supports people dealing with addiction in their family. Please contact us if you would like some help.

      You can contact Icarus Trust on or visit our website

      All the best.

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