Finally had the truth

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    • #7006

      I spoke to my ex yesterday . She basically told me the only reason she was with the dealer is because of the coke , and she would of done anything for it !

      She also told me about nites that she nearly got raped in house party’s and , lads calling her names and being horrible to he because of how skinny she was . She said she always came home to me cos she loved me and the reason she was always out was because she wanted the coke .

      I dunno if all this is lies or not , as the last 3 times I’ve seen her of this last month and half , she’s constantly sniffing like she’s got a cold .

      She also kept on saying that by looking at her I should know she’s off it .

      She hanst really out any weight on the tho . And she did admit that she done it a week on Thursday ago .

      She’s still moving away apparently , she said she’s not moving in with he new bf she’s having a flat of her own .

      She said in rehab it made her realzie that she didn’t love the dealer she loved me , that’s why she would always come home to me . But yet she’s found another bf in rehab ! Insted of working it out with me and being honest .

      When I was talking to he her eyes would get massive like when she used to be on it , and also like I said , a sniff every 10miutes or so and smoking quiet alot in a short space of time . Also she was going through subjects quicker than mastermind ! But I’m still not 100 percent sure she was on it , it just didn’t seem right .

      I’m still cut up about her cos I put my self through hell for her for 2 years to get her of this stuff. I just feel like all my pain and suffering were point less and I’m just feeling very alone . And she doesn’t care at all about me now she’s got s new bf

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