First time asking for help with my drinking

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    • #32025

      I’m a male aged 28. For most of my adult life I’ve had issues with binge drinking where after 3 or 4 drinks aI couldn’t stop. After a few bad incidents, my partner helped me make some rules and I was doing much better for a year. We’ve just moved to UK when the drinking culture around me at work and my social life is making me slip into old habits. What tips do people have for staying in control of their drinking and just having one in social settings?


    • #32387

      Firstly well done asking for help first step, why I joined .. Its cruel illness, has no boundary, like octopus with 100 tentacles, to drag you under again.. smells colours disguises. Yet we  I justified the unacceptable, to do as cruel illness demand’s, with easy comfort off, it be ok,  My dearest friend cut down loss family home etc,   drugs alcohol said once,  also  ended up street drunk drug addict, with whom i got sober with said,  shared in conversation,////Pain has no memory//////

      That’s why I still do recovery 110%..  walk the well trodden path in Fellowships, seeing what it was like, new comers , what can be like. life life terms dealing with life good bad or sharing others help comes thu honesty and what it gets like left to the illness, the – isham part octopus..

      Cant Bulls–t  mirror image of self lol   smile be ok never loos faith x


      Me few Years on in recovery, loved son chronic alcoholic, 27 YOA… Corse of life changes because off actions drinking.. cruel cruel illness.. Cripples effects so many, helplessness to help..


    • #32610

      Give ADAPT in Oxford a call, they have a great treatment service which is free of charge.

    • #32679

      its just sick people have nothing else to do together than get wasted and its called social life

      give up on having the fake friends and just stop drinking that stuff.

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